Summer Horse Pasture Boarding $350 per month plus GST
Horses have 200 acres of dry hillside to roam freely 24/7 with a natural spring as well as an automatic waterer and free choice salt and mineral blocks. The property is timbered with open pasture areas and left natural for the most part. It provides good exercise for fitness and muscles, promotes sure footedness and strong hooves and best of all a natural social life with lots of freedom. Ideal for young and retired horses. Not good for horses to be ridden as they can be very hard to find! There are a maximum of 10 horses. Pasture at night/ dry pen during the day board $420 / month plus GST 40 acres of hillside pasture for up to 8 horses. The benefits of free movement and herd interaction plus having the horses available during the day for riding. Use of the riding arenas is included. Hay supplement during the day so horses don't stand around without feed for more than 4/5 hours, loose minerals and salt, automatic waterer, fly masks and fly spray application is possible. Priority spots go to horses in training and frequently ridden ones. Large pen with up to 4 horses on free choice hay in slow feeder hay nets $420 per month plus GST Automatic heated waterer, loose minerals and salt with shelter and trees. For those easy keeper horses who cant be on grass and for winter board. Use of riding arenas is included. Individual Pen Board with hay $18/day plus GST 2 nice size pens are available, one with stall access, automatic waterer, minerals and salt block. For short term training horses and horses not allowed in with other horses or for injured horses. Slow feeder hay nets, can be free choice or rationed. If you provide your own hay its $13 per day only for temporary horses in training not long term boarders. Overnight pen rental self board $25 per night plus GST Temporary self board pens. Various pens are available with solid board fence, hay is not supplied, please bring your own water buckets and clean up after your horse. You can camp here if you are self contained. Use of the riding arenas is $10. Barefoot trimming $40 regular horse, $50 draft plus GST 4-8 week trim interval, Catherine has been trimming horses since 2002 |